Drop Off & Pickup
Our drop-off and pick-up procedures are in place to keep all students and families safe on their way to and from school. We appreciate your cooperation with these guidelines.
Student Drop Off
- This is routed up through our entry and up the hill. All cars who are dropping students off can follow the attendant’s directions to move forward through the line and to the front of the school.
- All cars must yield to the buses and do not block the bus lane entry between the yield sign at the top of the hill and the stop sign at exit.
- Parents enter the drop-off line at 8:50. Supervision is limited before and after school. We have supervision at 9:00am and school begins at 9:10.
- Parents let students out on the SIDEWALK SIDE when given the direction of an adult. Do not let students out before an adult provides a signal to you or before the sidewalk begins.
- The gate is unlocked at 9:00 in the courtyard to encourage breakfast for students in the cafeteria.
- Students are not permitted to walk through the parking lot unsupervised.
- NO cars are allowed unattended through the drop off line.
- DO NOT PARK in the bus lane parking area. This is staff only and does not allow for safe student arrival or departure.
- Parents are not allowed to walk through the gate; they must check in at the office and sign in per the volunteer expectations.
- If you arrive after 9:10 when the gates are locked, please come inside the office with your student to sign them in.
Student Pick-Up
- Due to the limited entrance/exit and constraints of the parking lot, we are a line only drop off.
- Parents acquire a placard with a family number from the front office.
- At 3:40 pick up students wait in the Commons (Cafeteria) at tables organized by placard number. Students sit with family members with the same placard numbers.
- Students are considerate, calm, and patient around others. They quietly wait for their parents or guardians. Students always act in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner. Show the O3s.
- When cars arrive, students are called forward by number. Follow the attendants' directions to know where to let your student in. We may have you pull forward to the front of the line and escort your student if it allows traffic to flow smoothly.
- Please drive slowly when exiting. Follow the traffic attendant’s directions for the exit. Buses receive precedence and you may be asked to stop as buses enter or exit. Always stop at the stop signs and follow the rules of the road.
Thank you for your support and cooperation as we look for best practices to ensure the safe arrival and departure of all students. As always, the safest way for students to arrive to school is on the bus.